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Scientist wearing blue gloves and red bag with bioharzard sign.A woman worker hand holding

Bloodborne Pathogen

OSHA's Bloodborne Pathogens standard, including its 2001 revisions, applies to all employers who have an employee(s) with occupational exposure (i.e., reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) that may result from the performance of the employee's duties). These employers must implement the requirements set forth in the standard. Some of the new and clarified provisions in the standard apply only to healthcare settings, but other provisions, particularly the requirements to update the Exposure Control Plan and to keep a sharps injury log, apply to non-healthcare as well as healthcare settings.


Course Description

The Blood Borne Pathogen course will provide training and education in how to minimize the exposure risk to individuals from bio hazardous waste. This course will teach students about Universal Precautions and BSI (body substance isolation), proper use and techniques of donning and doffing gloves, disposing of sharps, biohazard clean up, and the proper reporting procedures for exposures.


Course Length

Approximately 2 hour


Intended Audience

The Blood Borne Pathogen course is designed for people who have a reasonable chance of coming into contact with blood or blood containing materials as part of their job responsibilities.

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